
My thoughts about life, family and knitting. I am a knitter of over 30 years, just starting to spread my wings on designing my own items. I knit for fun, for my prayer shawl ministry at Sugarloaf UMC, and for my sanity. This blog will chronical my life and what is happening day by day. Grab a cup of tea and enjoy my short rants.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Getting back in the swing of things!! Needing more readers and orders!!

Well here we are, nearing Christmas and I have no orders to make.  I thought this would happen, in the past few years I have made a number of golf club covers but this year, it is quiet.  I have a lot going on personally in my life, so I think God is giving me this time to sit back and rethink what I am doing and where I want to go with my life.  I have kicked up my knitting, I am teaching at church on Wednesday night and I want to start teaching others for money, but I am at a loss on how to do that.  I have days when I have a few hours to go and teach, but I am not sure how to go about it.  Giving that to God and he will let me know if that is where I need to be.  I do not want to get a job on someones schedule, right now I have so many things juggling that I need to keep my options open for travel.

Something else I have been playing with is starting to create my own patterns, I have been following patterns for so long that I am feeling the urge to create.  I have created a mitten pattern for boys, I will post it here again.

Gloves I created for my son
I enjoyed figuring out how to do this, it was not as hard as I thought.  I would love to do more, I have to let the fingers flow.  I have found a new mitten to make, called the Bella Mitten from the movie/book series Twilight, and they are going to be fun.  There is a new method called the magic loop and I need to learn how to do this one!!

If you would like the pattern for this glove, just look here.

In any case, I need direction in my life and I hope that God will show me what and where I need to be!!  I just feel that there is more for me to do in my life and I need something in my life.  Now that my kids are in school all day, I am missing something to keep me busy but be able to be at school when they need me to be.  I want to use my talents to make some money, but I want to work from my house on my hours and my schedule.   Big order for me to ask God to fill, I know he has given me this opportunity to do something to help my family financially and I really need to do this!!

I am starting to use my Ravelry account account now to track what I am making, I need to keep up with this more and get my fingers out in this world.  I think that is the only way I will get any year round work for my knitting.

God bless you and yours!!  Thank you for following me and please bring me more, I want to get known in the blogging world to hopefully open the working world and get my business restarted again!!

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